Article: Telling a crying idol to “know your worth”… how did we become like this?

Source: Oh My News via Nate

[+246, -9] Well, they were the ones who went to Coachella, put on a show that got them hate, and decided to respond to the criticism by posting the middle finger and saying they thought they put on the best stage. Why cry now? Their lyrics have also always been about acting like they’ve had to bootstrap their way to the top against the jealousy of haters when Kim Chaewon is infamous for coming from a rigged company.

[+181, -5] I get that these idols are human beings and not dolls, but if you chose a profession for yourself, isn’t it your job to do it? Why should the public have to accept their tears over not being able to do a job that they chose? They are adults, they need to act with responsibility for their decisions, and this reporter who thinks otherwise must have never had a hard day at their own job in their life. I understand that outright hate is wrong but I think the criticism against them is valid.

[+159, -7] can they please stop whining. If they can’t do something, just quit. No one is holding a knife to them and forcing them to do it. If so, please report it to the police. Easy, right?

[+118, -2] All this whining when they’re making in a day what most of us take a year to make

[+98, -1] There is no industry as capitalistic as the entertainment industry. Look at all the money that enters your bank account over one picture upload on your SNS. That is why the public is telling you to “know your worth” and act accordingly.

[+29, -0] There are so many people working hard right now to achieve their dreams of becoming idols, and even many cases of perfectly talented people who still don’t get to debut in the end anyway. For Le Sserafim to have debuted already with the state of their vocal skills and no effort on their behalf to improve, and instead to react to their Coachella criticisms like “So what, we did great” is not going to pass with the public. The outpour of criticism is because they lack the basic fundamental skills and effort of their chosen profession, and the crocodile tears and their attitude after the fact are only fueling the negative view people have of the group. Hybe is also foolish for thinking they can use this situation in their favor. 

[+27, -1] Hybe is seriously so stupid for leaving in this crying scenes in their documentary without thinking that it’s only oging to get them more hate. Poor Le Sserafim… poor BTS…

[+25, -0] The rest of us are out here making a third of a third of a third of what you make, staying up all night, working weekends… but we all have the option to resign if things ever get so hard to the point of reducing us to tears. You should quit too if you’re in a job that makes you whine and cry. What kind of professional are you if all you’re good at is whining and trying to elicit sympathy from your own fans while still making all that money without doing your job?

[+22, -0] If it makes you cry, leave and go do something else ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+21, -0] There is no job in this world that doesn’t come with its own difficulties. So many people are working out in this heatwave right now. Just because you cry over a job that you yourself chose does not mean the public has to be understanding of that. 

[+18, -0] I don’t get what the reporter is trying to say… do you not think you’ll get fired if you don’t do your job??? Do you not feel bad if you don’t deliver on the promises you made to your job??? These idols make hundreds of thousands of more money than us, why shouldn’t they be held to the same standards??? Are they Gods who cannot be touched??

[+11, -0] Please go practice singing until your throat bleeds in the time you think your crying and whining will improve things

[+10, -0] So what does she want in the end? She wants the fame and money but none of the effort? Please just like us for being pretty and nothing more?

[+9, -0] Since when did telling a singer that she can’t sing become a hate comment?

[+9, -0] Obviously, if an employee is not living up to their “worth,” then they get fired. If you’re not able to deliver the level of skills that you’re being paid to perform, then you need to come back down, or at the very least try to show some effrt and improvement.

[+8, -0] What is this reporter saying? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ A singer should be able to sing 

[+6, -0] There’s no way the upper management in Hybe has normal brains. Why would they ever think this was okay to release when public sentiment against them has been the worst it’s ever been?

[+5, -0] If you only want to hear positive things from the public, then it’s on you to only present positive things to them..;;

[+3, -0] The funny part is that this isn’t even the first time they’ve cried over this. They had a few similar scenes in their debut docu too…