Crush has suffered a herniated disc.

On June 20, Crush’s agency, P NATION shared a statement regarding Crush’s health status on social media.

Read the full statement below:

Hello, this is P NATION.

The following is a notice regarding Crush’s health and respectively his upcoming schedule.

Upon his recent visit to the hospital for his back, Crush learned that his pre-existing herniated disc condition has worsened.

Consequently, he was advised by the medical staff an immediate lumbar disc surgery was necessary.

Following his surgery, Crush has decided to focus on his treatment and recovery and temporarily suspend all scheduled activities.

We as P NATION prioritize and value utmost the artist’s health, and we will do our best to ensure that Crush returns to his fans in good health.

We sincerely thank you for your understanding, your love, and unwavering support for Crush.

Wishing Crush a speedy recovery!

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