Despite mixed reactions from viewers, “Hierarchy” continues to gain popularity. This 7-episode series offers a new approach to the school theme in K-dramas, depicting the revenge of an ordinary student who challenges an elite and influential group of high school students. The story takes place in South Korea’s most prestigious high school, Jooshin High School, where the sons and daughters of conglomerate owners, politicians and powerful individuals study.

The protagonist, Kang Ha, played by Lee Chae Min, managed to get into high school through his scholarship program, setting him on a mission to uncover the mysterious death of his twin brother. Alongside Lee Chae Min are other young rising stars such as Roh Jeong Eui, Kim Jae Won, Ji Hye Won and Lee Won Jung as the main stars. Aside from the promising cast, viewers are also attracted to the concept of “Hierarchy” and how it depicts the education system in South Korea. However, netizens have mixed reactions regarding the intimate scenes shown in the K-drama, especially the relationship between a student and a teacher.

The director of K-drama 'Hierarchy' explained the reason behind the provocative scenes in the K-Selection series

Provocative scenes in K-drama ‘Hierarchy’ disappoint viewers

Despite its romantic K-drama feel for teens, “Hierarchy” also explores the surprising relationship between Lee Woo Jin (played by Lee Won Jung), a student, and Ms. Han (played by Byeon Seo Yoon), a teacher at Jooshin High School. . Because of Ms. Han’s profession and the fact that Woo Jin is the son of a political figure, they decided to keep their relationship low-key. Some episodes also showed their intimate moments, which viewers considered explicit and unnecessary to the premise of the story.

In an online forum post, a member alerted viewers to the concept of “Hierarchy.” In his message titled “The dramatic premise that’s on my mind right now”, he insisted that some scenes might require adult input. At the same time, the K-drama directors clarified why they include intimate scenes in the narration.

The director of K-drama 'Hierarchy' explained the reason behind the provocative scenes in the K-Selection series

‘Hierarchy’ Producer Responds to Viewers About These Provocative Scenes

In a report, producer Bae Hyun Jin discusses the differences between this Netflix teen K-drama and other youth-oriented K-dramas. He explains that unlike other series where children accept the rigid world created by the royal family, “Hierarchy” features a lower-class protagonist who resists the system, thus inspiring other students to break from this cycle.

When it comes to provocative scenes, “Hierarchy” offers an authentic insight into South Korea. “There are few such K-dramas that address school issues so explicitly in Korea, which is attracting attention overseas as content revealing Korea’s harsh reality. »

What do you think ?

New controversies have arisen around Netflix K-drama “Hierarchy”