Article: Kwon Yuri’s dangerous act at Jeju sea… could be fined up to 1 million won

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

[+104, -1] Empty brain

– [+11] This is why celebrities get called clowns

[+94, -0] How’s your oppa been doing???

[+40, -1] Seems like they’re a family that doesn’t like following the law

[+11, -0] I don’t think she has a single clue that she shouldn’t be acting this way… sigh…

[+3, -0] These siblings are a mess..

[+3, -0] Zero thoughts

[+1, -0] Can’t hide that she has the same blood as her brother

[+1, -0] I went near it once and there are cockroaches everywhere… she has quite the stomach