Article: New Jeans Hani, brave enough to speak at national assembly… but parodied by SNL with racist elements

Source: X Sports News via Nate

[+152, -20] Making fun of someone’s pronunciation of another language and calling that humor is racist. In other countries, you’re not allowed to joke about it anymore and is considered a banned style of comedy. Wouldn’t us Koreans be mad if someone parodied a Korean person speaking in awkward English pronunciation? We’d be up in arms. So why are we still using it as humor ourselves?

[+97, -11] SNL made a mockery out of author Han Kang as well, they crossed the line

[+88, -10] It’s clear SNL did zero research on why Hani was even there. No idea what they were thinking with such a racist portrayal. What an embarrassment to our country, especially knowing that we’d be just as upset if another country portrayed us in such a way.

[+82, -8] What do you expect from SNL

[+71, -7] I thought they were neutral with the Meat Juice Shi Hyuk skit 

[+33, -7] So sad that New Jeans doesn’t even have an agency that can protect them right now. They’re probably being mocked left and right like this from every side.

[+24, -2] Just one big sigh to the writers who wrote the script, to the actors who then acted it out, to the staff who sat there filming this…

[+19, -1] Should’ve just kept going with the Bang parodies

[+17, -1] SNL has long ignored doing actual parodies. Instead, they’ve been focusing on cherry picking celebrities to get themselves in the news.

Source: Nate

[+56, -9] SNL doesn’t have actual politics to be parodying right now?

[+46, -8] What a shame for SNL

[+31, -10] SNL loves parodying female celebrities because they know they’re too scared to mess with male idol fandoms

[+24, -5] Racism and misogyny, the embarrassing true face of Korean society

[+15, -0] Really thoughtless of the writers to write this

[+14, -0] Where’s Kim Joo Young? Didn’t they promise to protect their artists? Where’s their protection now?

[+10, -1] Just bring back Meat Juice Shi Hyuk, that was hilarious