Article: First Yoona and now a male idol… Korean celebrity suffers racism at fashion show

Source: Seoul Economy via Nate

[+128, -0] Hul… as if they didn’t already dress him in that goofy outfit with his bare skin exposed like that, and they also didn’t give him a cushion to sit on? He must’ve felt so out of place ㅠ

[+67, -0] Wait, they dressed him like that??

[+40, -1] Stop accepting all invites just because they’re calling you~💥💥💥💥

[+25, -1] This is too humiliating, I’d rather have not gone

[+18, -0] Nugyu?

[+7, -0] Cushion aside, the choice of outfit alone is humiliating enough.. Why did they send him this of all outfits? Especially compared to the men sitting beside him. Why is he being treated like a monkey in a cage ㅠ

[+4, -1] Please stop going to these events. Our celebrities are not your playthings to dress up or down as you please… he is not a monkey in a cage.

[+4, -0] What’s up with this outfit?

[+4, -0] Whoever was his coordi, please write a letter of reflection

[+4, -0] The guy next to him is sitting on two cushions.. seems like he wasn’t able to ask for his so he just sat down

[+1, -0] So humiliating to have him dressed like this between men dressed in normal suits… and with barely enough space to keep his butt in the seat. 

[+0, -0] I don’t know who he is but as a fellow Korean, I’m so angered at the coordi for allowing such a goofy choice of outfit

[+0, -0] File this under Park Jin Young’s plastic pants