Article: Did Hani’s tears work… Former CEO Min Hee Jin returns to Ador in-house director position

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+744] She needs to be returned to her CEO position, not in-house director…

[+124] All those accusations of breach of trust and big talk about terminating her contract just to have her return as an in-house director. Hybe, pick a lane. I don’t even think they know what lane they’re in at this point either.

[+79] This isn’t the end! This is just Hybe playing jokes. It isn’t over until she returns to her CEO position.

[+52] Now give her back her CEO position

[+47] This position doesn’t matter, she needs to return as CEO

[+305] Hani’s national assembly appearance has nothing to do with this decision

[+39] Shi Hyuk-ah, give her that ‘CEO’ position back

[+66] In-house is meaningless ㅎㅎ this is just Hybe doing more media play. Hybe, you have two more parliamentary audits left ㅎ

[+47] Funny that Hybe is accusing her of breach of trust but still want to keep her around to produce and play in-house director ㅋㅋㅋ 

[+139] She’s always been an in-house director ㅋ give her back her CEO;;

[+107] Min Hee Jin CEO-nim, we support you, human to human..!

[+31] Unless you’re CEO, she will always be held back by restrictions. She won’t be able to do anything without the CEO’s approval.
