The Disney+ original series “Unmasked” has unveiled new character posters!
“Unmasked” is an office comedy drama set against the backdrop of Korea’s first Investigative Journalism Bureau at a broadcasting company. The series is about a group of investigative reporters who use their cameras to expose bad people.
The newly released character posters capture the intense and distinct expressions of the team. Team leader Oh So Ryong (Kim Hye Soo), who lives in the moment, stands confidently with a fierce look, ready to fight for the truth and take down the bad guys.
In contrast, rookie Han Do (Jung Sung Il) appears polite but skeptical, struggling to understand the justice-driven Oh So Ryong and the rest of the team.
Meanwhile, Kang Ki Ho (Joo Jong Hyuk), an unbreakable optimist, radiates determination and embodies a defiant spirit. Each character’s unique personality shines through in the posters.
The captions—“If you mess with me, you’re really in trouble!”, “Do people like this still have any hope?”, and “No matter how unfair the world is, I’ll never back down!”—perfectly complement the characters’ diverse expressions. Together, they spark curiosity about the chemistry the mismatched members of the team will bring.
“Unmasked” is set to premiere on January 15. Stay tuned!
While waiting, watch Kim Hye Soo in “The Thieves” below:
Also watch Joo Jong Hyuk in “Yumi’s Cells 2”:
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