Article: Kanye West, 70 minutes late to concert in Korea… began stage without comment

Source: News 1 via Nate

[+86, -7] He sang 77 songs live at the concert.. ㅋㅋㅋ honestly, a 70-minute wait is forgivable if you’re getting four years of hits sung live for you for just 88,000 won

– [+42, -2] Yeah, being late is not a problem… 77 songs, I bet his fans went crazy

– [+36, -1] 77 songs is forgivable indeed

– [+5, -0] Just consider the 70-minute wait as a part of the experience ㅋ

[+49, -4] No manners 🤬🤬

[+24, -3] Isn’t he washed up

[+4, -0] No basic manners…

[+3, -0] I think the wait is understandable but not apologizing or saying something about it is a show of character

[+2, -0] I live in the area, no wonder it was a frenzy around here, it was for this concert.. I saw a ton of fireworks, too.