STUDIO X+U’s upcoming mystery thriller drama “Friendly Rivalry” (literal title) has unveiled a new poster!

Based on a popular webtoon, “Friendly Rivalry” unfolds at Chaehwa Girls’ High School, an elite institution for the top one percent in South Korea where cutthroat academic competition takes place. The story centers around Woo Seul Gi (Jung Soo Bin), a transfer student who becomes entangled in her classmates’ hidden ambitions amidst the school’s fierce competition. Adding to the intrigue, the drama explores the mysterious death of Seul Gi’s father, a former college entrance exam question setter.

Hyeri stars as Yoo Jae Yi, a top 0.1 percent student who has never lost her first-place ranking and holds significant influence at Chehwa Girls’ High. Jung Soo Bin plays Woo Seul Gi, a transfer student from a provincial orphanage who quickly attracts Jae Yi’s attention. While Jae Yi appears to extend a hand of kindness to Seul Gi, the question remains: is it out of genuine goodwill or hidden intentions?

The newly released poster intensifies the intrigue, with Seul Gi standing upright and Jae Yi standing behind her, leaning her head on her shoulder. This composition hints at their dynamic.

Adding to the mystery, the poster is decorated with thought-provoking phrases: “Do you think it’s genuine?” appears across Seul Gi’s face, while “Do you think it’s goodwill?” is inscribed on Jae Yi’s. These lines tease a complex psychological battle between sincerity and ulterior motives in their intertwined story.

“Friendly Rivalry” is set to premiere on February 10.

While waiting, watch Hyeri in her latest film “Victory”:

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