Article: ‘Drunk driving’ BTS Suga reps, “We had no intention of downplaying what happened by calling it an electric kickboard”

Source: Mydaily via Nate

[+201, -7] The entirety of his letter was a lie. He said he had one beer, and yet his alcohol level was tested high enough for his license to be canceled. He said he fell and police came over, and yet it turned out he actually fell and fell asleep and someone reported him which is what caused the police to show up. He said he was close to his home, and yet CCTV proved that he was driving from way far out from his home, drunken at that. All the other members are so normal, what’s wrong with him?

– [+37, -3] Hul, he was sleeping on the middle of the street?? Maybe he’s so unpopular that he wanted attention in some way or form ㅜㅜ

[+19, -2] That’s drunk driving, farewell to your career. 

– [+7, -0] Crashing your kickboard like that is just ㅋㅋ

[+164, -40] Just leave the group. Drunk driving is attempted murder. Retire from the industry if you have any shame at all.

[+118, -2] Probably the biggest scandal to taint BTS image;; what did the other members do to deserve this

[+36, -1] Zero suga

[+21, -0] What’s more legendary to me is that he went drinking and took his scooter knowing that you can’t call cab service for it

[+9, -50] It’s not like he did drugs or murder, people are blowing this way out of proportion. He did something wrong but you’re all witch hunting him.

[+8, -0] Kick him before he ends up like Seungri

[+4, -0] Hybe’s an amazing company in more ways than one

Source: YTN via YouTube

[+11,000] Is he going to leave or what? It’s time for Zero Suga to go ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+4,100] There is no one where drunk driving should be allowed, not whether you’re a BTS member, not whether you were driving an electric scooter or kickboard… play it by the law. Every life is precious on this earth, and no matter how precious you are, you should face the same consequences of the law as any other precious life.

[+3,900] I personally like BTS songs and listen to them often, but their fans who are shielding him need to listen up.. if you truly love him, you should know to criticize him if he commits a wrong. Imagine if his scooter hit one of your family member in the back… drunk driving is attempted murder, never forget that.

[+3,700] Imagine how frustrated the other members are ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ they’re out there suffering in the army while he’s in public service going around drunk driving ㅋㅋㅋ

[+4,300] Suga’s always tried to play the ‘respect-dol’ image on variety shows and YouTube with his words of wisdom or whatever but he’s actually hopeless;;

[+1,600] All that acting like he’s so realistic and wise… just to throw away the team’s image while his dongsaengs are suffering in active duty in this heatwave…

[+3,000] The fact that he was caught this once means that he’s already been going around doing it dozens, hundreds of times, because the odds of getting caught are low. Can you imagine if he had hit someone with his scooter?

[+1,300] Suga-ya ㅋㅋㅋㅋ seriously… fans have been waiting patiently for a year, and to think this is the news we get ㅠ what did the other members do to deserve this?

[+1,200] He’s the only BTS member in public service due to a past motorcycle accident, always talks about his injured shoulder in his lyrics and how much he had to suffer for it, and this is the news we all get after all this…

[+1,000] Drinking and driving is not shieldable… seriously feels like something they worked so hard for is crumbling. How can you lose it all to drunk driving like this?

[+1,100] He basically wouldn’t have gotten caught if he fell and was able to get up and go home… but for him to have fallen and just passed out there… just how drunk was he?…

[+975] As a longtime fan, I’m not just disappointed… I actually find it so ridiculous. All that woke acting just to show us that it was all words, no action. As someone who had to go public service because of a shoulder injury from a motorcycle accident, I never thought he’d cause a drunken scooter accident of all scandals…