“Lovely Runner” is back this week with even more emotions and excitement for everyone who ardently supports Im Sol (Kim Hye Yoon) and Ryu Sun Jae (Byeon Woo Seok). Last week, we were left hanging on the news of Sun Jae being attacked by the man who tried to kill Sol in the past. As she frantically searches for the watch to go back in time once again, realizing that this might be her last chance to truly save Sun Jae, several significant moments likely set the path for the remaining episodes of this wonderful K -drama. Here are five of those moments!

1- Im Sol avoids Ryu Sun Jae during his last trip back in time

Discover the 5 most important moments of “Lovely Runner” K-Sélection

Hours after the attack and after promising to change things for the better as Sun Jae fights for his life, Im Sol finds herself back in the past, this time as a first-year student at the university. To no one’s surprise, her first encounter with Sun Jae of this timeline is just as thrilling as the previous ones, as he gracefully catches her after she falls from a horse statue. However, Sol immediately runs away, not wanting to interfere with his life anymore, nor wanting him to continue liking her. She knows that if he gets involved with her, he could get hurt by the man who is still chasing her.

Although he’s used to her indifference towards him, it’s obvious to Sun Jae that there’s something different about Sol’s expression and actions this time. He is instinctively able to distinguish the Sol of the past from the Sol of the future. And although he is aware of her intentions to stay as far away from him as possible, he seems almost physically incapable of not worrying about her. This is so much the case that he takes petty revenge on a student who teased her, and he follows her around all the time. He even helps her when she accidentally gets trapped, proving that no matter how hard she tries, she can’t change people’s hearts, especially when it comes to Ryu Sun Jae.

2- Im Sol implores Sun Jae to stay away from her

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This episode shows the birth of “Sudden Shower”, the song Sun Jae wrote with Sol in mind, their time together and how much he longs to be with her. Although at this point it is still uncertain how Sun Jae will join “Eclipse”, we do know that for Ryu Sun Jae, Sol will always remain a significant person. Ironically, while there is no one more important to Sol than Sun Jae, she desperately tries to make the most of her time in the past, giving as much information as possible to the police about the attacker , preparing herself with personal defense weapons, and not forgetting that her main goal this time is to make sure that no one can harm Sun Jae, not even for herself.

Despite their best intentions, their deep love for each other, and their burning desire to be together, tension flares as Sol realizes that once again, Sun Jae cares about her. Remembering her short but sweet time with Sun Jae in the future, she regrets not being sincere.

She asks him to meet before her attack, and with so much emotion inside her, she desperately implores the Sun Jae of the past to never worry about her again. Especially given how much she’s already hurt him with her rejection and conflict. But even then, he seems unable to pull away and leave her alone, despite his sadness at seeing her so distraught.

3- Sun Jae discovers that Im Sol comes from the future

Discover the 5 most important moments of “Lovely Runner” K-Sélection

Luckily for Sun Jae she quickly passes out after this point, being already heavily intoxicated. And just like the first time, they accidentally kiss, giving Sun Jae another precious memory that, unfortunately, Sol won’t have in the future. It is then that Sol unconsciously begins to sing the song that Sun Jae had composed for her, confusing him with her lyrics as she confesses that she knew the song from the future and that it will definitely change things.

Confused, Sun Jae confronts her as she prepares to run away to prevent the attacker and Sun Jae from meeting again. Alarmed by the mere thought of her departure, he directly asks her if she is really from the future, which leaves her no choice but to admit the truth. Although she tries to explain the circumstances and probably doesn’t have much time, Sun Jae remains skeptical. He thinks it’s just another excuse to avoid him and his feelings.

4- Im Sol once again denies her feelings for Sun Jae

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Faced with the chaos she finds herself in, Im Sol delivers the final blow to force Sun Jae to leave the country and attempt rehabilitation for her injured shoulder once again. This time, it will be in the United States, which will facilitate her security. Sun Jae is hesitant about the idea, but at the same time, there’s not much he can do about it, especially because the only person who could convince him to stay is the first to want him gone. However, Sun Jae wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t try one last time to confirm whether or not he has a chance of winning Sol’s heart.

As we saw in last week’s episode, she clearly wants to return his feelings. She slowly went from a devoted fan who saw him as a star lighting up her life, to the person who first saved her life, and now to the love of her life. But the desire to protect him and keep him away from danger is stronger, so she once again refuses to give him hope.

She claims to have never had feelings for him, even though we know that her love for him is strong enough to travel through time and space in the hope of seeing him alive and well, even if it means that she can’t be with him for the rest of her life.

5- Sun Jae’s love confession after understanding everything

Discover the 5 most important moments of “Lovely Runner” K-Sélection

The highlight of this week’s episodes comes when Sun Jae prepares to leave the country. Just as he couldn’t let go of Sol for 15 years in the previous timeline, he clings to Kim Tae Sung’s words and decides to go in search of the time capsule. To his surprise, he finds Sol’s letter and begins connecting the dots. This finally makes him realize that present-day Sol is actually from the future, that she truly loves him, and that she is afraid of his death.

After Sun Jae leaves, Sol is chased by a truck similar to the attacker’s. But Sun Jae comes to her side, saves Sol against her will, and this time he ignores her words and pleas and starts stating facts. The facts are these: she loves him enough to travel back in time, he might die in the future, and he’s not afraid to disappear if he can save Sol. And he seals the deal with a beautiful kiss. We still have to process the fact that Sol and Sun Jae are together again and he’s willing to sacrifice his own life to be with her. Additionally, she can return to the future leaving him behind.