Article: 12-year-old Cambodian princess dreaming of becoming the next ‘Lisa’… “Off to Korea to debut as an idol”

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+221] She has such a pretty face already, I can’t wait to see what she’ll look with different hair and makeup in Korea 👏👏

[+155] Come on, people, she’s just a 12-year-old kid with a dream, don’t be so harsh

[+195] Does she think debuting as an idol is some kind of joke?

[+10] She gives me Seo Yeji vibes

[+89] I don’t think she’s that pretty 😢

– [+12] Go look at Lisa’s pre-debut photo, she’s already prettier

[+124] Some of you are being way harsh for someone who’s only 12

[+36] She’s pretty but sorry not idol material

[+37] She probably has a lavish life already as a princess so why

[+2] Definitely more of an actress face than idol

[+18] She’s really pretty but… something about her doesn’t fit an idol🤔

[+6] Probably not a bad idea for diplomatic purposes but I hope people are giving her a realistic idea of how difficult idol training is. I support her if her passion and determination to become one is genuine.

[+13] Some of you ajummas and ajusshis need to shut it and just show your support ㅋㅋ