Yong Junhyung has announced his departure from Highlight.

On March 14, he took to his Instagram to apologize and explain the situation regarding the one-on-one chat he had with Jung Joon Young in 2015.

Read his full letter below:

Hello, this is Yong Junhyung.

First of all, I sincerely apologize to the members and all fans who must have had a difficult time because of me for the past few days.

When I received the call from my agency to confirm the validity [of the news] right after the SBS 8 O’Clock News aired on [March] 11, I did not understand the point of the issue clearly and only said that I was not in the chatroom. As a result, the agency took my side and said in the official statement that the reports are false, but this was information relayed inaccurately by me. The reason I said [the chat] was from 2016 while talking with the agency to release an official statement is that I no longer have the chat records with Jung Joon Young in my KakaoTalk, so I was not able to check the date accurately. I also apologize for causing further confusion due to this.

In the KakaoTalk messages with Jung Joon Young from late 2015 reported by the news, we drank the night before and went home, and I asked him how he is doing the next day. Jung Joon Young told me that he got caught after sending illegal video footage to someone, and I responded, “You got caught by her?” I did not receive a video at the time, but I did receive a video at a different instance. In addition, I participated in inappropriate conversations regarding it. All of these actions were very immoral, and I was foolish. I treated it as not a big deal without thinking that it is a crime and illegal act, and it is also my fault for not firmly restraining [Jung Joon Young].

I participated in a witness interview regarding this matter. I said everything that I know without any lies, and I cooperated with the investigation. While receiving the witness interview, I saw exactly what conversations I had in the past, and I was embarrassed and could not help but feel horrified.

I never participated in the illegal acts of taking hidden camera footage or circulating it. In addition, I have maintained a relationship of only greeting each other once in awhile with Jung Joon Young since late 2016. However, although I knew of what was happening during that time, I thought of it as not a big deal and acted at ease. I was a silent bystander about this severe issue where several more victims may have arisen due to my actions.

I am very sorry to have not been able to repay the overwhelming love and as I betrayed the trust of the members and fans who have trusted me due to this issue. I realize the severity of this matter, and I do not want any further harm to be done to my fans and members who must have been disappointed because of me, so I will leave the group Highlight as of March 14, 2019. I will live while reflecting on myself again and again. I once again apologize sincerely.”


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