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aespa has made a stunning impact on the global music scene with their Japanese debut on the popular YouTube series “THE FIRST TAKE.” Known for its real-time, unedited performances, “THE FIRST TAKE” has become a significant platform for artists to showcase their talent, and aespa’s recent appearance has captivated fans worldwide.


aespa エスパ ‘Hot Mess’ MV

On August 26, 2024, aespa performed their title track “Hot Mess” from their first Japanese single album, which has already generated significant buzz among K-pop enthusiasts. The performance, characterized by its raw and authentic style, highlights the group’s vocal prowess and stage presence, further solidifying their status as a leading act in the industry. The episode, numbered 470, features a one-shot performance that showcases aespa’s unique sound and artistic vision.

In addition to “Hot Mess,” aespa previously debuted on “THE FIRST TAKE” with their hit song “Supernova,” which was released on August 12. This strategic move to engage with the Japanese market has not only expanded their fanbase but has also demonstrated their versatility as artists capable of crossing cultural boundaries.

Fans have responded enthusiastically, with social media buzzing with praise for the group’s performance. The combination of aespa’s captivating visuals and powerful vocals has resonated with audiences, making them a prominent figure in both the K-pop and J-pop scenes.

As aespa continues to shine on global platforms, their Japanese debut marks a significant milestone in their career. With their innovative approach and dedication to their craft, aespa is set to leave an indelible mark on the music industry, and fans eagerly await what they will achieve next.

aespa、「THE FIRST TAKE」での日本デビューで世界的に輝く

aespaが人気YouTubeシリーズ「THE FIRST TAKE」での日本デビューで、世界の音楽シーンに鮮烈な印象を残しました。リアルタイムで編集なしのパフォーマンスで知られる「THE FIRST TAKE」は、アーティストが才能を披露する重要なプラットフォームとなっており、aespaの最近の出演は世界中のファンを魅了しました。

2024年8月26日、aespaは初の日本語シングルアルバムのタイトル曲「Hot Mess」を披露し、すでにK-popファンの間で大きな話題を呼んでいます。生々しく本物の雰囲気が特徴のこのパフォーマンスは、グループのボーカルの実力とステージプレゼンスを際立たせ、業界をリードするアクトとしての地位をさらに確固たるものにしています。

エピソード470として番号付けされたこの回では、aespaのユニークなサウンドとアーティスティックなビジョンを示すワンショットパフォーマンスが特徴です。「Hot Mess」に加えて、aespaは以前8月12日にリリースされたヒット曲「Supernova」で「THE FIRST TAKE」にデビューしています。

