Article: Yoojung, was the pain of her break up too big? New start with a ‘new face’
Source: Sports Chosun via Nate
[+70, -0] She kicked Brave Girls to the curb after all that work they did to bring the group back all for a man, now what is she going to do ㅋㅋ
[+49, -1] At least the other members are still relevant enough to be doing small events here and there. Unfortunately, she caught the celebrity disease and is stuck here… I wonder if she’ll have any success as an actress.
[+34, -2] She’s talentless and can’t sing ㅋ
[+16, -0] Her jaw looks so weird because of her jaw surgery
[+7, -0] That’s not the face I remember;;;
[+1, -0] Her turtle-ness is gone.. ㅠㅠ I liked her before way better
[+1, -0] The pictures look off.. this isn’t the pretty Yoojung I remember ㅡㅡ