Article: Baby Monster’s fandom name causes divide in opinion

Source: Idol Issue via Instagram

[+423] People have had divided opinions from their group name alone

[+174] Monstiez is not it for me. Feels like a mix between Monsta X and ATEEZ’s name. Probably would be better for them to come up with a different name for real.

[+192] Monsta X + ATEEZ

[+144] Reminds me of Instiz ㅋㅋㅋ

[+24] It seriously sounds like Monsta X + ATEEZ

[+29] Sounds like ATEEZ

[+9] Best Monsters

[+242] Blinks have such a pretty name

[+0] Better than Babysitters, I suppose

[+0] Anything with Monster in it reminds me of Monsta X